Ancient Corinth and Spring Water


This morning Carolyn and Daniel went for the early morning swim!

Then Carolyn and I biked around with the bikes available at our Airbnb. We had a good laugh over the one bike that had a bit of an issue!



We ate breakfast and continued our game of Phase Ten. Lots of competition going around!

Left to see the ruins of Ancient Corinth and drove up the mountain to Acrocorinth, the fortified acropolis of Corinth. At Ancient Corinth, saw the speaker’s platform where the Apostle Paul preached to the Corinthians. There was an old stone there with the inscription of 2 Corinthians 4:17 written in Greek and English.

For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.

This was the verse Sam read at Life’s spring banquet this year. 

After eating our Gyros on top of the mountain by the Acrocorinth, we headed down off the mountain. Carolyn knew about a spring where we could fill up our water bottles. We stopped and I sat on the ledge and we filled up many water bottles with ice cold spring water that Carolyn heard is extra healthy. Dad and Mom were sitting in the car watching us. When we came back they were laughing at us thinking we’re so funny!

Daniel and Amber packed up and went home. I felt sad saying goodbye to them.

Dad wanted to eat by the water. So we went out for an evening meal. The evening sky was beautiful. We ate octopus stew and grilled octopus. Dad took an octopus tail home to put on his mantle. Mom scrunched up her nose. We’ll see how this goes.'


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