Joy in the Journey: Traveling Mercies Home

I miss this little guy already!

How Lucas got around Ancient Corinth!

I keep thinking about that old stone in Ancient Corinth with 2 Corinthians 4:17 written in Greek and English. 

    For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us

an eternal weight of glory

beyond all comparison.

This verse has been thought provoking many times on our journey of grief as a family the last few years. Matthew used to sing "afflictions eclipsed by glory" when he sang the song "How He Loves." This is the only inscribed stone I found in all of Ancient Corinth. What are the chances? What does it mean?

I wonder how my flowering trees at home look by now. Looking forward to seeing them!

I named today Joy in the Journey.

Swam in the Mediterranean waters in the Gulf of Corinth for the last time.

Reminiscing last evening around the supper table. In 1978 when Dad and Mom were doing their Austria assignment with Operation Mobilization, us five girls spent that month with Clara Butting's family in Germany. Carolyn and I reminisced with Dad and Mom about how Carolyn and I would use Butting's two bikes and bike the German countryside for hours learning all kinds of tricks. Carolyn had convinced me, like she typically does about her dreams, that it would work to perform a circus in Dryden on Highway 601. One time we even got brave enough and biked to the nearest town, biking over the cobblestone streets. Carolyn was thirteen. I was ten. I don’t think our host family knew where we were. Dad and Mom said they never knew these stories. Dad said, “I was so busy back then.” I smiled, because this memory is one of the highlights of my childhood!

This morning, my sweet Japanese friend came and gave me a Pascha Lily. It reminded me of the song Mom and I sang last Tuesday morning at Life during Core 2 (Sam was busy with Core 2 while I was gone).

“Oh I marvel at the wisdom of our God. When I see the little lily pushing back the mighty sod, Oh I marvel at the wisdom of our God. When they crucified the Father's only Son, And they laid him in the tomb they thought they'd won, but just like the little lily He pushed back the mighty sod, And I marvel at the wisdom of our God. When the Lord said let the weak say I am strong. Way down in my heart I thought He’d said it wrong. Now I am the little lily pushing back the mighty sod and I marvel at the wisdom of our God.” (Sisters, is that how it goes?)

Carolyn was packing Mom’s walker into the car. She saw a piece was missing that screwed the handle on. She said she’s going to walk down the road where we had walked last evening. I followed behind praying all the way and crossed the road and there was the piece looking up at me. We had a little hallelujah fit!

Carolyn didn't realize Mom and Dad needed proof of vaccinations!! Dad had his paper along but not Mom. Slight panic last night! No proof, no flight. Carolyn found a way to download it from public health. She told Daniel they might have had a new Nanny who loves babies and gives walker rides!

Traveling Mercies home!

Leaving the Airbnb. “That was so delightful. I loved the window we could come in and out of!”

Mom thanked Carolyn for how she arranged everything. Dad and Mom have been over the top thankful!

Left Corinth, taking a wrong turn and driving past Ancient Corinth one last time. Drove past the turnoff for Kechries, the town where Paul was shorn for the Nazarite vow as recorded in Acts 18:18.

In Acts 18:1 it says, “After these things, Paul departed from Athens and came to Corinth.” That is what we did on Monday. Today we back tracked back to the airport with the Aegean Sea always to our right, taking the toll road this time through the tunnels instead of the scenic route below.

Carolyn said Dad was mostly along for the ride on this trip and then yesterday after his nap, he woke up and said he wanted to take us out for supper by the sea for the last evening. That’s when Dad took initiative with the itinerary. Mom said, “That was the cherry on the top. Everything else was a beautiful cake.”

Carolyn has been losing her voice. Mom was concerned about her feeling sick. Carolyn said, ‘Oh no! It’s just like laryngitis. I’m feeling great!” Mom said, “But our tour guide has to talk!”

As we were driving down the toll road towards the airport, Carolyn said, “Look, I’m allowed to go 130!” A little later, “Now, I’m going to try 130.” Mom said, “110 sounds good to me.” A little later, Carolyn said, “If I understand that sign right, it means I can’t go lower than 110.”

Dad saw an SOS sign and said, “SOS. Slide Over Sweetheart.” Mom said, “We can’t in modern cars anymore.” Dad said, “Especially when we have a wheelchair between us.” They found a way to hold hands.

Talked to Sharon a little last evening. She said someone asked her if she would like to be with the sisters in Greece. She said she has not one iota desire to be here! Hahaha!

As we were driving past the water, I was a little confused about which “sea” I was looking at: the Adriatic or Aegean. After a quick Google search, I learned that the Adriatic Sea is up by Italy. The Aegean Sea is between Greece and Turkey, part of the Mediterranean Sea, bounded by Crete to the south, connected to the Black Sea, connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar. So that was interesting.

When we were talking about packing up in the morning, Dad said, “I have everything I didn’t forget.”

One time when we were getting back into the car, Mom blew Dad a kiss. Dad said to me, “You weren’t supposed to see that.” Mom said, “We have more time for this kind of thing.” Awwww.

Mom says she is moving better and can lift her leg higher than before this trip when she does her leg exercises she's been doing since she broke her hip over a year ago. Carolyn said this trip was like rehab.

Last evening, Dad asked Carolyn if she’d like some water. Carolyn said, “Sure. I’ll take a little bit.” Dad poured her two little sips. We all laughed. I said, “That’s what Grandpa Schnupp would have done!” They all agreed!

What Carolyn sent the family from the airport with the picture below, “What I came back to. I was gone to drop off the car. Cathie had served a lovely picnic lunch on real plates and they looked so cute and almost formal. Sitting in the airport. And the lily on the floor is from Cathie's Japanese friend who married a Greek man and has lived in Greece for 50 years. She and Cathie met on the street and connected sweetly.” (BTW: Carolyn brought the plates and silverware and salt all the way from Toronto and cooked the food in our Airbnb this morning!)

I had prayed Mom could lay down before the flight. I came around the corner after going through security and there was Mom lying in a corner with her coat for a pillow and Carolyn’s coat as a blanket. I laid down catty-cornered from her. Carolyn called it my "double answer."

Abba, thank you for your traveling mercies. Thank you Mother could find a place to lay down.

Remembering the first day or two we were here, I overheard Dad tell Daniel that Greece was the one place he always wanted to see and he didn’t think he’d ever get here “and here I am”!

Dad remembered how when Carolyn initially called with this trip proposal, he said, “Before we talk more about it, our answer is YES.”

After hearing about this trip, one friend said, “I can’t believe this! Wondering who is the bravest, you girls or your parents.” Another friend commented how brave we are to make this trip then she said, “What is life if we don’t take some risk?” If I remember right, that is the one line that Mom said to Carolyn when she was making the decision to go or not to go.

Carolyn said when she was first dreaming of this trip, she almost gave up on the idea but Mary kept assuring her it’s a great idea.

Judy's sentiments? After one of my first blog posts, her comment was, "You guys are crazy....Carolyn...(hand to forehead)...." and just now she said, "I would have loved to experience so much of the stuff on this trip!"

It felt precarious being so far from home without Sam!

A few of our Traveling Mercies:
  1. Mom's cane left behind when we were at our gate in Newark (We remembered before too late.)

  2. What felt like the whole flight crew trying to figure out what to do with Mom's walker!!! (It all worked out!)

  3. Losing Mom's handle knob for her walker (Found!)

  4. Leaving Mom's peacock coat from Tom Zeager in the Airbnb (remembered in time so the cleaning lady was still there!)

  5. Carolyn's phone stolen (She was not hurt and Daniel had a spare phone with cracked screen)

  6. Dad falling at Acropolis (He landed softly and was not hurt!)

  7. Dad setting his coat on the hood of a car to take a picture and leaving it there (We remembered in time and it was still there!)

  8. Scratching the rent a car (The Avis man said it’s no problem!)

  9. Not having proof of Mom's immunization (We found out in time and Carolyn was able to get it online!)

  10. Mom's cough (It’s better.)

  11. Carolyn's cough (She feels great!)

  12. Mom getting nauseated from a parsley dish (It didn’t last long.)

  13. Making sure Mom (and Dad) (and me and Carolyn) doesn't fall! (We are all safe!)

  14. Driving feeling like a wild-toads-ride! (Dad said he's surprised we didn't have more than a scratch!)

  15. Me feeling so sore after the Acropolis day! (Nothing an Epsom salt bath and a little sleep can't fix...BTW Carolyn brought our first aid kit along including Epsom salts!)

  16. Finding toilets when we needed toilets! (One of Mom’s concerns)

  17. Is it safe for Mom to climb the narrow somewhat rickety circular stairs? (Worked out great! Carolyn was SURE Enos would have fixed that rickety step if he was here!)

  18. Not knowing where the car key was. (Carolyn's sitting on it!)

  19. We got to Newark parking late to pick up our van. (They did not charge Carolyn for overtime!)

  20. Etc. Etc.!!!!!

  21. The amazing thing is, when I go over this list, everything worked out and resolved or was found beautifully, supernaturally!

Traveling mercies for sure!!!!

Why did I want to come on this trip? To have an adventure with my sister with whom I’ve always loved doing adventures with. I wanted to cherish these moments with my parents. I wanted to help Carolyn help fulfill one of Dad’s dreams. I wanted to find spaces to heal.


PS: Carolyn just uploaded this picture. I thought it was lost on her stolen phone! This picture was taken just before we realized Dad didn't have his jacket, just before we climbed the Acropolis!


  1. Thank you for "taking us along" on your trip! I think that was so special y'all could do that with them. One advantage they had in handling the trip was being quite familiar with world travel. Also, I enjoyed your traveling mercies list!


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