
Showing posts from April, 2023

Joy in the Journey: Traveling Mercies Home

I miss this little guy already! How Lucas got around Ancient Corinth! I keep thinking about that old stone in Ancient Corinth with 2 Corinthians 4:17 written in Greek and English.       For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. This verse has been thought provoking many times on our journey of grief as a family the last few years. Matthew used to sing "afflictions eclipsed by glory" when he sang the song "How He Loves." This is the only inscribed stone I found in all of Ancient Corinth. What are the chances? What does it mean? I wonder how my flowering trees at home look by now. Looking forward to seeing them! I named today J oy in the Journey. Swam in the Mediterranean waters in the Gulf of Corinth for the last time. Reminiscing last evening around the supper table. In 1978 when Dad and Mom were doing their Austria assignment with Operation Mobilization, us five girls spent that month with Clara Butti

Ancient Corinth and Spring Water

  This morning Carolyn and Daniel went for the early morning swim! Then Carolyn and I biked around with the bikes available at our Airbnb. We had a good laugh over the one bike that had a bit of an issue!     We ate breakfast and continued our game of Phase Ten. Lots of competition going around! Left to see the ruins of Ancient Corinth and drove up the mountain to Acrocorinth, the fortified acropolis of Corinth. At Ancient Corinth, saw the speaker’s platform where the Apostle Paul preached to the Corinthians. There was an old stone there with the inscription of 2 Corinthians 4:17 written in Greek and English. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. This was the verse Sam read at Life’s spring banquet this year.  After eating our Gyros on top of the mountain by the Acrocorinth, we headed down off the mountain. Carolyn knew about a spring where we could fill up our water bottles. We stopped and I sat on the ledge and we f

A Day Around the Gulf of Corinth

Korinthos Early morning swim in the Gulf of Corinth with Daniel! Beautiful aqua clear water with Mediterranean mountains on the horizon. Cold and invigorating! Just visited with a lady I met on the street. She is originally from Japan. Married a man here in Greece 50 years ago. Three children and three grandchildren. Two grandchildren are going to Athens University. Whole family home for Easter and just left last night. It’s interesting how much we can communicate with her broken English and my only Greek at this point being Pascha (Easter)! Yesterday, when we were coming out from seeing the Corinth Canal, Carolyn was bumping over the dirt road with potholes, Daniel had to come and guide us through. We thwarted a metal pipe sticking up that Carolyn claims would have punctured our tire. As this was happening, Mom reminisced from the back seat the time when her and Dad were in Africa. They were doing ministry in Kenya and Dad really wanted to go Zimbabwe to see David Livingston’s museum